"Phrases" { "Safe Mode" { "en" "Safe Mode Enabled. Feature is disabled." } "Match Reset" { "en" "Match Reset - Game is not live!" } "Half Reset" { "en" "Match Half Reset - Game is not live!" } "Half Time" { "en" "Half Time! Please swap teams..." } "Half Time Auto Swap" { "en" "Half Time! Swapping teams..." } "Full Time" { "en" "Full Time!" } "Over Time" { "#format" "{1:i}" "en" "Overtime! MR{1}" } "Over Time Sudden Death" { "en" "Overtime! Sudden Death" } "Playing Out Notice" { "#format" "{1:i}" "en" "Note: All {1} rounds must be played out!" } "Ready" { "en" "You have been marked as ready" } "Not Ready" { "en" "You have been marked as not ready" } "Score Overtime" { "en" "Overtime: " } "Score Overall" { "en" "Overall: " } "Knife Round Cancelled" { "en" "Knife Round cancelled - Not Live" } "Knife Round Inactive" { "en" "Knife Round is not active" } "Ready System Enabled" { "en" "Ready System - Enabled" } "Ready System Disabled" { "en" "Ready System - Disabled" } "Set Active" { "en" "Set to Active" } "Set Inactive" { "en" "Set to Inactive" } "Console Ready" { "en" "Console cannot be marked as ready" } "Console Not Ready" { "en" "Console cannot be marked as not ready" } "Not on Team" { "en" "You are not on a team" } "Already Ready" { "en" "You have already been marked as ready" } "Already Not Ready" { "en" "You have already been marked as not ready" } "Forced Ready" { "en" "Forced all players ready" } "Forced Not Ready" { "en" "Forced all players unready" } "Forced Spectate" { "en" "Forced all players to spectate" } "Match Not In Progress" { "en" "Match is not in progress!" } "T Winning" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "{1} are winning" } "Tied" { "en" "Scores are tied" } "CT Winning" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "{1} are winning" } "Change Teams Midgame" { "en" "Blocked - Match is in progress" } "Maximum Players" { "en" "Teams have reached the maximum player limit" } "Nightvision Blocked" { "en" "Night vision is disabled" } "Grenades Blocked" { "en" "Grenades in warmup are disabled" } "Ready System" { "en" "Ready System" } "Match Begin Msg" { "#format" "{1:i}" "en" "Match will begin after {1} players are ready" } "No Players Found" { "en" "No players found" } "Info Not Ready" { "en" "Unready:" } "Info Exit" { "en" "Exit" } "Ready System Disabled2" { "en" "The Ready System is not enabled" } "ShowInfo Disabled" { "en" "The Ready System display is not enabled" } "Match Is Live" { "en" "The match is live" } "WarMod Inactive" { "en" "WarMod is not active" } "Change T Name" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Terrorists name set to '{1}'" } "Change CT Name" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Counter-Terrorists name set to '{1}'" } "Console" { "en" "Console: " } "Available Commands" { "en" "Available client commands" } "No Permission" { "en" "You do not have permission to use this command" } "Set Minready" { "#format" "{1:i}" "en" "wm_min_ready set to {1}" } "Set Maxrounds" { "#format" "{1:i}" "en" "wm_max_rounds set to {1}" } "WarMod Rcon Only" { "en" "Admin commands have been restricted to RCON only" } "Set Password" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "sv_password set to '{1}'" } "Autokick" { "en" "You have been automatically kicked from the server" } "Names Required" { "en" "Match will not lo3 until both team names have been set" } "Pause Freeze Time" { "en" "Game will pause at freeze time" } "Pause Round End" { "en" "Game will pause at the end of the round" } "Pause Limit" { "en" "You have used all your pauses already" } "Pause Non-player" { "en" "You must be on T or CT to use /pause" } "Pause Offer" { "en" "have asked for a Pause. Please type /pause to pause the match" } "Pause Not Enabled" { "en" "sv_pauseable is set to 0. Pause function not enabled" } "Unpause Notice" { "en" "Match is now Paused. Please type /unpause to unpause the match" } "Unpause Offer" { "en" "have asked to unpause the game. Please type /unpause to unpause the match" } "Unpaused Match" { "en" "have unpaused the match" } "Unpause Non-player" { "en" "You must be on T or CT to use /unpause" } "Pause Not Confirmed" { "en" "Pause offer was not confirmed by the other team" } "Unpause Timer" { "en" "seconds until game is auto unpaused" } "Unpause Auto" { "en" "Match was auto Unpaused because time limit reached" } "Auto Pause Notice" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Match will be paused because a player from '{1}' has left the server" } "Auto Unpause Notice" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Match has been auto paused because a player from '{1}' has left the server" } "Paused Via Rcon" { "en" "Server is not paused or was paused via rcon" } "Knife Vote Team" { "en" "are voting to stay or switch teams" } "Knife Vote" { "en" "Please type /stay or /switch" } "Knife Stay" { "en" "have voted to stay" } "Knife Switch" { "en" "have voted to switch teams" } "Set Name CT" { "en" "CT's please set team name" } "Set Name T" { "en" "T's please set team name" } "Set Name Both" { "en" "Teams please set team name" } "Set Name CMD" { "en" "To set team name please type /name TeamName" } "Logos Required" { "en" "Match will not lo3 until both team logos have been set" } "Set Logo CT" { "en" "CT's please set team logo" } "Set Logo T" { "en" "T's please set team logo" } "Set Logo Both" { "en" "Teams please set team logos" } "Set Logo CMD" { "en" "To set team logo please type /logo" } "Live" { "en" "The match is now LIVE!" } "Live on 3" { "en" "Live on 3" } "Live on 2" { "en" "Live on 2" } "Live on 1" { "en" "Live on 1" } "Knife On 3" { "en" "Knife on 3" } "Knife on 2" { "en" "Knife on 2" } "Knife on 1" { "en" "Knife on 1" } "Knife" { "en" "KNIFE!" } "Zeus" { "en" "ZEUS!" } "Good Luck" { "en" "Good Luck, Have Fun!" } "Powered By" { "en" "Powered by" } "Admin_Menu WarMod Commands" { "en" "WarMod Commands" } "Admin_Menu Enable ReadyUp" { "en" "Enable ReadyUp" } "Admin_Menu Disable ReadyUp" { "en" "Disable ReadyUp" } "Admin_Menu Knife" { "en" "Knife" } "Admin_Menu Force Start" { "en" "Force Start" } "Admin_Menu Force End" { "en" "Force End" } "Admin_Menu Cancel Half" { "en" "Cancel Half" } "Admin_Menu Cancel Match" { "en" "Cancel Match" } "Admin_Menu Cancel Knife" { "en" "Cancel Knife" } "Admin_Menu ForceAllReady" { "en" "Force All Ready" } "Admin_Menu ForceAllUnready" { "en" "Force All Unready" } "Admin_Menu ForceAllSpectate" { "en" "Force All Spectate" } "Admin_Menu Activate WarMod" { "en" "Activate WarMod" } "Admin_Menu Deactivate WarMod" { "en" "Deactivate WarMod" } "Warm Up Active" { "en" "Warm Up Active" } "FTP Upload Failed" { "en" "Failed uploading demo file. Check the server log files." } "FTP Log Upload Successful" { "en" "Log file uploaded successfully" } "FTP Demo Upload Successful" { "en" "Demo uploaded successfully" } "Veto Offer Not Confirmed" { "en" "Veto offer was not confirmed by the other team" } "Veto No Maps" { "#format" "{1:i}" "en" "No maps in bo{1} list" } "Veto Bo3 Map List" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s},{3:s}" "en" "Map 1 = {1}, Map 2 = {2}, Map 3 = {3}" } "Veto Bo5 Map List" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s},{3:s},{4:s},{5:s}" "en" "Map 1 = {1}, Map 2 = {2}, Map 3 = {3}, Map 4 = {4}, Map 5 = {5}" } "Veto Bo2 Map List" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s}" "en" "Map 1 = {1}, Map 2 = {2}" } "Veto Disabled" { "en" "Veto system is disabled" } "Veto Non-player" { "en" "You must be on Terrorist or Counter Terrorist to use !veto" } "Veto Offer" { "#format" "{1:i}" "en" "have asked for a veto Bo{1}. Please type !veto to start" } "Veto Captain" { "en" "captain will be" } "Veto First Second" { "en" "is picking to go first or second in the veto" } "Non-player" { "en" "You must be on Terrorist or Counter Terrorist to use this command" } "Default Offer" { "en" "have asked for a default match. Please type !default to accept" } "Default Offer Not Confirmed" { "en" "Default offer was not confirmed by the other team" } "PlayOut Offer" { "en" "have asked for a play out match. Please type !playout to accept" } "PlayOut Offer Not Confirmed" { "en" "Play Out offer was not confirmed by the other team" } "OverTime Offer" { "en" "have asked for a over time match. Please type !overtime to accept" } "OverTime Offer Not Confirmed" { "en" "Over Time offer was not confirmed by the other team" } }